Note: Brands may sometimes change depending on the strenth of the product.
This is also considered primarily a female hormone, although often men may need small doses.
The root components of the word (“pro” means “for” and “gesterone” means “gestation") clearly point out the importance of this hormone. It is produced in four areas of the body: the ovaries, the corpus luteum (the ruptured follicle), the adrenal glands, and in pregnant women, the placenta. Progesterone is often used to treat PMS. It protects against uterine and breast cancers, osteoporosis, fibrocystic disease and ovarian cysts. Often synthetic Progestin is used to replace natural Progesterone and it is accompanied by significant side effects, therefore, not recommended.
Progestertone helps down regulate estrogen. Helps with heavy painful periods.
The #1 cream recommended for young girls experiencing painful periods and PMS.